USRESP Competition 2023 Dashboard | GitData

Last update: June 23rd 2023

This project is for Undergraduate Statistics Research Project (USRESP) Competition 2023 hosted by the Consortium for the Advancement of Undergraduate Statistics Education (CAUSE) and the American Statistical Association.


Here are the members of our group and their institutions with contact information (alphabetical order by last name):

  1. Name: Weilin Cheng

  2. Current Institution: University of California, Davis

    School email:

    GitData email:

  3. Name: Hengyuan Liu

  4. Current Institution: University of California, Davis

    School email:

    GitData email:

  5. Name: Kathy Mo

  6. Current Institution: University of California, Davis

    School email:

    GitData email:

  7. Name: Sida Tian

  8. Current Institution: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

    School email:

    GitData email:

  9. Name: Li Yuan

  10. Current Institution: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

    School email:

    GitData email:

Project Website

GitHub Repository

Full Report in PDF